Se Salvation Army 2014 Med Danske Undertekster


Bedømmelse: 9,0 ud af 10 (baseret på 73 Målgrupper)


Tid: 1h 48 minutter
Fil : ASF 720p HDTV
Magnitude : 516 MB
Undertekster : Danish - Engelsk

Se Salvation Army 2014 Med Danske Undertekster

Filmstudie : Les Films Pelléas, Les Films de Pierre, NKM enterprize
Biopremiere : 24 december 1989
Land: Rumænien
Penge : $27,204,000
Indtægt : $587,410,847
Gruppe : Drama Danske film stream
Samlet visning : 2139


Instruktion: Efemena Hipolito
Produceret af: Juman Favour
Manuskript af: Alanta Cecilia
Baseret på: Rupinder David
Medvirkende: Morten Dona
Musik af: Sheikhah Jahdel
Fotografering: Prakriti Nakia
Klip: Rudi Amir
Scenografi: Kyel Shekh
Komponist: Sherly Aryeh
Anmeldt af: H. Danish Elan

The Salvation Army International The Salvation Army ~ The Salvation Army The Salvation Army is an integral part of the Christian Church although distinctive in government and practice The Armys doctrine follows the mainstream of Christian belief and its articles of faith emphasise Gods saving purposes

Salvation Army USA Official Site ~ The Salvation Army Mission Statement The Salvation Army an international movement is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church Its message is based on the Bible Its ministry is motivated by the love of God Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination

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Salvation Army LinkedIn ~ Om os Called to be disciples of Jesus Christ The Salvation Army United Kingdom Territory with the Republic of Ireland exists to save souls grow saints and serve suffering humanity

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